Every day brings us more and more progressive solutions. Just imagine that the seal, as a tool to certify the authenticity of documents, people first began to use before our era.

The imprint of the seal in history was made on plastic material (wax, plasticine) or looked like a figured relief on paper. Some seals were part of the rings and confirmed the will of an influential person.

Today's seal is still very often used in Ukrainian enterprises. But the Ministry of Economy plans to finally relieve businesses of the obligation to certify documents with a seal.

By the way, the presence of the seal on the documents in the Ukrainian legislation is mentioned in several sources. The Ministry of Economy proposes to stop the practice of affixing a seal and notarization of a copy of a document if such a requirement is not established by law. The transition from mandatory to voluntary use of seals by legal entities was introduced by the Law of Ukraine of 15.04.2014 № 1206-VII. Also, the Law of Ukraine of March 23, 2017 № 1982 -VIII amended a number of legislative acts to exclude the norm of mandatory use of the seal in business.

However, there are several laws that, despite the general rule on the voluntary use of seals, make the imprint of the seal a mandatory requisite for documents.

The list of laws in which such a rule is ambiguously interpreted in practice: ⠀

? Law of Ukraine on Banks and Banking

? Law of Ukraine on Employers' Organizations, their Associations, and the Rights and Guarantees of their Activities

? Law of Ukraine on Capital Markets and Organized Commodity Markets

Therefore, the legislative proposal developed by the Ministry of Economy proposes the abolition of the norm of mandatory use of seals from the above laws.

If you have any unclear accounting or legal issues, we will be happy to help resolve them. Call us +380 44 528 8486

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